(January, 30, 2015)In today’s day and age, the jaw-dropping effects of global warming have become a worldwide phenomenon and scientists can’t believe how fast it’s approaching society. Global warming is the increase in temperature on the Earth as a result of the trapping of heat by overly abundant greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide. Since 1870, global sea levels have increased by an astonishing eight inches and keeps growing at a steady rate. Also, according to the US Global Change Research Program, temperatures have rose by about two degrees in the last fifty years and only keeps getting hotter. Due to the increase in temperature, there has been an increase in precipitation as well. In addition, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are at the highest levels that they have been in the last hundreds of thousands of years.

In the end of the day, global warming has had an enormous impact on senior citizens especially and its only going to get worse in the future. The bottom line to sum up this article is: senior citizens and global warming are POLAR OPPOSITES and its only getting worse.
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